Wednesday, March 27, 2013

~Chicken Grill Combo with ♥~



  1. 3 ketul bahagian dada ayam/bhgian ayam untk chken chop.
  2. sos cili
  3. sos tiram
  4. sos black paper
  5. kicap manis
  6. kicap masin
  7. 1 sudu teh serbuk jintan mnis+ jntan putih
  8. 1/2 inci halia -dikisar
  9. 1 sudu teh lada hitam-dikisar/ditumbuk halus
  10. 3 biji bawang putih-dikisar/ditumbuk
  11. 1 sudu teh serbuk kunyit
  12. 1 sudu teh serbuk pati ayam
  13. oregano leaves
  14. rosemary herbs
  15. garam

~~untuk tambahan/sayuran ~~
  1. kentang- digoreng
  2. bronkoli
  3. jagung
  4. udang
  5. kacang panggang
  6. sos cili
  7. mayonis 
  1. Perap ayam bersama bahan-bahan diatas selama 5 jam/semalaman.
  2. Panaskan sedikit minyak dlm pemanggang ajaib/kuali lepr pun xpe..
  3. balik-balikkan ayam atas pemanggang ,kemudian tutup penutup..
  4. masak selama 5-8 min minit (balik-balikkan aym-takut hangit)
  5. da masak , angkat..(ketepikan)
  6. masak jagung + bronkoli sekejap bersama satu sudu marjerin(ketepikan)
  7. Goreng udang tanpa  minyak (ketepikan)
  1. Panaskan  lebihan perapan ayam tadi dalam kuali.
  2. Masukkan sedikit lagi sos black paper ,sos tiram dan sos cili
  3. Masak hingga mendidih dan pekat..
  4. Siap.. 
  • Hidangkan mengikut kreativiti anda..
  • Tambah sos cili dan mayonis
  • Tuangkan sos tadi atas ayam yg telah dimasak..
  • Siap!!  (^______^)

Will marriage Solve My Problems?~~Suhaib Webb.Com


Just sharing  a wonderful article..  Enjoys your reading.. :)

By Ubah Mohamoud
After engaging more with the Muslim community through activities like da`wah (calling to Islam), conferences, and halaqat (study circles), I have observed something intriguing: there seems to be a fascination—even obsession—with the topic of marriage. Regardless of whether a particular lecture is dedicated to something other than gender relations, the topic of marriage somehow always creeps up.
Now, do I consider this a bad thing? Not necessarily. Indeed, considering the magnitude of fitan (trials) that many unmarried folks face, such as the pressure to date or deal with the opposite gender on terms outside of the boundaries of Islam, I believe that marriage is something that should be discussed and encouraged.
What I’m more fascinated with, however, are the underlying reasons for why people –  especially the youth – want to get married so quickly. Despite not having enough resources to care for themselves, let alone a spouse, or whether they understand the Islamic obligations and duties of a spouse, it seems that many of our brothers and sisters have become consumed with the thought of marriage…why? I wonder: what are the psychological reasons behind why a person—who might not be physically or emotionally prepared—wants to get married? If this sounds like you—have you asked yourself why? I mean, apart from the obvious reasons of wanting to complete “half your deen,” or pleasing Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He), do you think there are some underlying issues that may be driving you to consider marriage?
Here are some reasons that I have come up with on my own:
  1. I have noticed that some people view marriage as an escape from their current situations. Perhaps they believe that by getting married, all of their social and familial problems will be solved. Unfortunately, some Muslims may be living under dire conditions at home and might be going through emotional and/or physical abuse, and so for them marriage seems like a way out.
  2. Some people may feel misunderstood by their peers and families, and may desire a partner who can understand and sympathize with them.
  3. Some individuals may be feeling pressure from their relatives or cultural/ethnic communities. They may be made to feel bad for not finding a spouse, or even ridiculed and ostracized for being single.
  4. A lot of people seem to be what I’d like to call “baby-obsessed”: for them, marriage is about having child, after child, after child, after…you get the point. 
  5. For some, being in a relationship is about status: literally going from “single” to “taken” or “married.” It is about letting the world know that “Yes, I am important,” and the fact that they have a partner is a sign of that importance.
  6. What about those who feel left out? Some may find that all of their friends or peers are getting married, and yet there they are, all alone. They may internalize their “single-hood” and begin to think that something is wrong with them.
My point is, issues such as low self-esteem, lack of attention, the desire for appreciation, the need to be noticed, lack of emotional support, peer/familial pressures, and societal expectations are, unfortunately, some of the underlying reasons people may seek marriage. We have been made to believe that marriage will solve all of our problems; that after getting married, we will truly live happily ever after. In my opinion, this outlook turns marriage into an end instead of a means and as a result, marriage becomes the “end all, be all” for many of us, We tell ourselves things like: “after marriage, I’ll be happy,” “after I get married, I’ll be satisfied.”
 We begin to view marriage as the ultimate solution to all of our problems, when in reality it is not. Marriage must be viewed as a means, and understood in terms of your personal relationship with Allah (swt). It is not marriage, in and of itself, that will bring you things such as happiness or contentment. Rather, it is through the act of marriage that you will find yourself coming closer to Allah (swt) insha’Allah (God willing). Through coming closer to Him and turning back to Him, you will begin to find true happiness and contentment, insha’Allah (God willing). That said, marriage should be viewd as a means to draw you closer to Allah (swt); a means of attaining His pleasure and earning His Paradise.
Brothers and sisters, marriage won’t solve your problems—Allah (swt) will.
So, if you find yourself currently in a rut—everything seems to be going “bad” for you; you’re depressed, lonely, sad, angry, frustrated, confused, or hurt—take a step towards Allah (swt). Turn to Him to solve your problems. Who knows, marriage may be the means through which He decides to help you…yet at the same time, it may not be. The point is, we need to start viewing the idea of marriage with a healthy mindset: one that is enriched with knowledge and empowerment from the Qur’an and Sunnah and one that realizes that Allah (swt) alone is the solver of all our problems and issues—and Allah (swt) knows best.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Just a Letter...

For u, my dear friend...
Thanks so much for being my luvly friend..
Just want u to know, that i luv u so much .. more than i can say..
And i'm feel so thankful to ALLAH for giving me a chance to meet know u.. to bE YOUR FRIEND..

My dear friend,
Thanks so much for always hear me even in silence..
Thanks for always beside me.. giving me a hand to hold when i'm fell down, give me a word when i'm feeling blue..
Thanks for your care, your prayer, your shoulder, your smile..
and i'm always pray to my LORD, ALLAH..''please gift u the best man as your spouse cz i don't want  anybody hurting u, hurting your heart..your soul.. i just want the best for u.. my luvly friend.. :)

My Luvly,
Well, sincerely.. deep inside my heart , i'm feel so broken.. so scared.. so sad.. :(
if one day.. u will forget me.. mybe when u've meet your soulmate (so immature feeling).. (o_o)
But ,don't worry.. i known enough.. this is life..
The circle of life that everybody must go through..
I'm realize.. everything will change one day.. we'll need to step forward to another episodes of life..
Get married, having babies and take care of them... 
But i'm just hoping we'll still keep our luvly friendship forever,,,, (^__^)

I know time will change... we'll be separated by time, place and our life goes on.
But as i'm always say...
''When I'm sad, I imagine you happy, and it gives me peace..and
 i've pray to my ONLY God..
if HE wanna give me the best things in mylife,plez send it to u too...''


Photo: (Oil painting version)...
Moga Allah redha..

Dear friend,
I love u so much for the sake of ALLAH..
But ALLAH alwaz at the first doubt!
If one day u've miss a friend..
I hope, she is Me!
May ALLAH keep our luv more..forever..still!!

And always remember me when u've hear this song..; 'SAHABAT' ... .MLTR (^^)
I dedicate the meanings of this lyrics for u.. 
Please miss me when u're eating asam pedas, sup telor.. hehe
Please.. forgive me if i've hurt u wth my word, my attitude, my mood..
May ALLAH protect u and your fmly alwaz..
May ALLAH do not erase me from your heart, your mind..

Wahh!! now i'm feel so sleepy..huhu..
Don't know why suddenly feeling so sentimental.. but anyway..
 I'm just  turn the words in my heart into this pieces of blind space..
May ALLAH bless u alwazz hereafter.. 
My dearest friends, K.SAARA.. (^__^).. 

 (remember this key chain? i'll keep this wth me alwazz!!)


ella azila: dapur rose'ella

ella azila: dapur rose'ella: SpAgHeTI  BoLOgNese chickenBaLL Bahan-BaHAn sePaKET spagheti myk zaiton keju butter sos spagheti 1 tin tomato pur...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pizza Home Made ♥‿♥

Hari ni,nak cuba resepi baru..inovasi drp ROTI GARDENIA..resepi bg menarik selera sape2 yg x bgitu suka mkn roti(mcm saya(♥‿♥)) dan salah satu cara nk hbiskan bekalan roti kat dapur sebelum expired date! :) 
PSSTT!!saya guna 'pemanggang ajaib jer'...


  1. 4 roti gardenia (dipotong bhgian tepi)
  2. sayur campur (dalam paket)frozen punye
  3. sosej(dipotong dadu,dipotong nipis2)
  4. nenas (dalam tin) -(dipotong dadu)
  5. bawang merah (potong kecik2)
  6. daging ayam (potong dadu)
  7. sos cili
  8. mayonis
  9. cheese (gunalah pe2 je jenis keju)
  10. daun parsley (xde pom xpe)
  11. sedikit serbuk kari ayam
  12. marjerin
  13. seasoning sos
untuk sos n sayur
  • panaskan kuali
  • msukkan 1 sudu besar marjerin
  • msukkan dging aym 
  • masukkan syur frozen,bwang merah,sosej yg dpotong dadu
  • msukkan serbuk kari n sos cili
  • garam secukup rasa
  • saya tmbh sedikit seasoning sos(sikit je,nnt masin)
  • da masak,ketepikan....
  • Susun roti dalm loyang/pemanggang ajaib(4 keping,rapat2).
  • Taburkan keju..
  • Susun sosej yg dipoong nipis2..
  • Masukkan syurn yg dmasak tdi-sekatakan atas roti..
  • Tabur keju skali lg..
  • Susun nenas,udang,cili..
  • Picitkan sos cili dan mayonis di atas lapisan paling atas sekali..
  • Taburkan parsley leaves..
  • Masukkan dlm ketuhar/pemanggang ajaib..api slow..
  • Biarkan untuk 4-5 minit..
  • SIAP!!

simple breakfast..(♥‿♥)

Hari ini nak share breakfast simple ..sesuai dimasak bagi golongan yg berkerjaya..
let's start!!

bahan -bahan

  1. italian bread-(saya guna passione italiana)
  2. telor 1 biji
  3. bronkoli
  4. sosej(dibelah tgh)
  5. timun jepun
  6. bawang merah(dpotong panjang2)
  7. sos cili
  8. back paper
  9. planta
  1. sosej dibelah tengah tanpa memisahkannya-goreng/bakar (saya guna pemanggang ajaib) -asingkan.
  2. sapukan planta kat roti dan bkar
  3. sapukan marjerin kat bronkoli-masukkn skali dlm pemanggang ajaib(guna kuali biasa pun xpe)-mask sekejap saje ye..nnti layu
  4. goreng telor (tanpa minyak)
  5. susun roti..letakkan timun yg dpotong,letak sosej,bawng yg dpotong,letak sos cili,sdkt backpaper..atas skali roti..
  6. hidangkan brsama telor,bronkoli dan timun..
  7. letak sos cili..
  8. SIAP!!
simple dan berkhasiat!!